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Expanding in 2024:
The community shaped by you

As we expand our non-profit community with a new track-based format, we are guided by a vision of innovation, collaboration, and impact. The expansion will develop across four pivotal tracks, each meticulously designed to tackle specific global challenges.

With the community's expansion, we warmly invite a diverse array of volunteers—from AI specialists and environmental advocates to mentors and creative professionals—to engage in a multidisciplinary framework built on our collective insights, actions, and shared ambition. Together, we will aim to drive global inclusion and the green transition forward with inventive and sustainable solutions, resulting in tangible and resilient outcomes.

Community Tracks

Track 01

AI for global inclusivity and green transition

  • "AI for Global Inclusivity and Green Transition" underscores the transformative power of artificial intelligence in addressing some of the most pressing challenges of our time. By staying at the forefront of AI development, this track aims to harness these technologies to promote inclusivity across societies and accelerate the transition towards environmental sustainability.

    At the heart of this initiative is the belief that AI can be a formidable force for good when directed towards enhancing accessibility, reducing inequalities, and finding innovative solutions to environmental issues. Participants are invited to explore the potential of AI in creating more inclusive communities, where technology serves as a bridge rather than a barrier to opportunity, and in driving forward the green transition by optimizing resource use, reducing emissions, and supporting the development of sustainable economies.

    This track encourages a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together technologists, environmental scientists, social activists, and policymakers to collaborate on AI projects with a clear social and environmental impact. Through workshops, collaborative projects, and think tanks, participants will engage in the ideation, development, and implementation of AI solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also ethically grounded and socially responsible.

    "AI for Global Inclusivity and Green Transition" is committed to ensuring that the benefits of AI advancements are widely distributed and contribute positively to global efforts to build a more inclusive and sustainable future. By focusing on the application of AI for societal and environmental good, this track aims to cultivate a community of innovators who are not only skilled in AI technologies but are also deeply aware of their potential to drive meaningful change.

    This initiative represents an opportunity for those passionate about the intersection of technology, society, and the environment to take an active role in shaping the future of AI. It invites participants to contribute their expertise, creativity, and vision to projects that exemplify the positive potential of artificial intelligence, making "AI for Global Inclusivity and Green Transition" a cornerstone for those aspiring to make a tangible impact through technology.

Track 02

Creative impact :
Ideation and mentorships

  • This track is uniquely designed to facilitate voluntary contributions from creatives towards our collective goals of creating a more inclusive and environmentally sustainable world. Through the Ideation component, participants are encouraged to bring forward innovative ideas and creative solutions that contribute directly to these overarching objectives. This collaborative effort not only leverages creative talent for societal benefit but also ensures that each project undertaken is imbued with a sense of purpose and commitment to positive change.

    Simultaneously, the Mentorship aspect of "Creative Impact" offers a structured pathway for personal and professional development. By establishing connections between emerging talents and established professionals, the track fosters an environment where knowledge exchange, skill enhancement, and collaborative growth are not just encouraged but are integral to the community's ethos. This mentorship dynamic allows participants to volunteer their expertise in a manner that supports the professional advancement of others, while also expanding their own networks and understanding of the creative industry's role in addressing global challenges.

    Integrating these components, "Creative Impact" ensures a holistic approach to community engagement and development. The track is designed to be flexible, accommodating the varied schedules of participants and providing multiple avenues for involvement, from one-on-one mentorship to group ideation sessions and collaborative projects. This adaptability ensures that every creative, regardless of their specific interests or professional stage, can find a meaningful way to contribute to our shared goals.

    Ultimately, "Creative Impact: Ideation & Mentorships" aims to cultivate a community of creative professionals who are not only equipped to navigate the complexities of the creative industry but are also committed to leveraging their skills for the greater good. By emphasizing voluntary contributions to projects that promote global inclusivity and environmental sustainability, alongside opportunities for professional growth and networking, the initiative enriches the broader ecosystem of creativity and impact.

    "Creative Impact" invites creative professionals to join a movement dedicated to making a tangible difference through creativity, collaboration, and continuous learning. It represents an opportunity to engage with a community that values individual growth and professional development as much as it does contributing to the pressing challenges of our time.

Track 03

Africa Reframed:
Narratives for change

  • "Africa Reframed: Narratives for Change" is an expansive and inclusive initiative designed to elevate the African narrative on the global scene. By bringing together a diverse coalition of stakeholders—from creative professionals and media outlets to organizations and corporate CSR programs—this track aims to create a unified force for change, dedicated to reshaping how the world views Africa.

    At the heart of this track is the recognition of the power of narrative to influence perceptions and drive societal change. Through strategic storytelling and the dissemination of diverse African voices and stories, "Africa Reframed: Narratives for Change" seeks to challenge stereotypes and highlight the continent's rich tapestry of cultures, innovations, and potentials. This effort is not just about changing stories; it's about changing minds and fostering a global appreciation for the complexity and vibrancy of African societies.

    The initiative is deeply committed to sustainable growth, leveraging storytelling to spotlight initiatives and innovations from across the continent that contribute to economic, social, and environmental sustainability. By highlighting these stories, "Africa Reframed: Narratives for Change" not only contributes to a positive narrative shift but also supports the broader goals of development and progress within Africa.

    Central to achieving the ambitions of "Africa Reframed: Narratives for Change" are cross-sector partnerships. These collaborations across creative industries, media, and corporate sectors are vital for amplifying the reach and impact of the stories told. Through these partnerships, the initiative harnesses the strengths and resources of a wide range of actors, ensuring that the narratives have both a wide audience and a significant impact on perceptions, policies, and practices related to Africa.

    "Africa Reframed: Narratives for Change" is designed to be flexible and inclusive, welcoming participation from individuals and organizations passionate about contributing to a more nuanced and empowering narrative of Africa. Whether through creating content, facilitating partnerships, or engaging with the stories shared, every participant in this track has a role to play in propelling the African narrative forward.

    Ultimately, this track aspires to cultivate a global community of advocates and storytellers who are not only committed to changing the narrative about Africa but are also actively contributing to the continent's sustainable development and global recognition. "Africa Reframed: Narratives for Change" invites you to be part of this transformative journey, using creativity, collaboration, and storytelling to make a lasting impact on how the world sees and engages with Africa.

Track 04

Futures thinking for global inclusion and sustainable innovation

  • "Futures Thinking for Global Inclusion and Sustainable Innovation" represents a strategic pivot towards imagining and creating future landscapes where inclusivity and sustainability are not just ideals but foundational principles. This track encourages participants from diverse backgrounds, including policymakers, educators, innovators, and activists, to employ futures thinking as a tool for social and environmental transformation.

    At its core, this initiative seeks to cultivate a deep understanding of the complex systems that define our world, identifying leverage points where targeted interventions can lead to significant, positive change. Participants are encouraged to think beyond conventional boundaries, challenging existing paradigms to envision alternative futures where global inclusion and sustainable innovation are central to societal development.

    The track employs a variety of methodologies, from scenario planning and systems thinking to speculative design and strategic foresight, equipping participants with the skills and perspectives needed to navigate uncertainty and influence the trajectory of global trends. By fostering a multidisciplinary dialogue, "Futures Thinking for Global Inclusion and Sustainable Innovation" aims to generate holistic solutions that address the intertwined challenges of inequality, accessibility, and environmental degradation.

    Collaboration is a cornerstone of this track, emphasizing the importance of cross-sectoral partnerships in driving substantial and enduring change. By bringing together thought leaders from different fields and sectors, the initiative facilitates the exchange of ideas and best practices, creating a rich tapestry of insights that can inform actionable strategies for a more inclusive and sustainable future.

    "Futures Thinking for Global Inclusion and Sustainable Innovation" is not just about predicting what the future holds; it's about actively participating in the creation of a future that reflects our shared values and aspirations. Through this track, participants have the unique opportunity to contribute to shaping global narratives and policies, ensuring that the futures we envision are grounded in principles of equity, resilience, and sustainability.

    This initiative invites all who are committed to the betterment of our world to join in this forward-looking journey. Whether you are a creative thinker, a strategic planner, or an advocate for change, your voice and vision are critical to realizing the inclusive and sustainable futures we strive to achieve. "Futures Thinking for Global Inclusion and Sustainable Innovation" offers a platform to influence change, inspire action, and collaboratively work towards a future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Interested in joining
the community?

The prioritization of our initial offerings will hinge on areas of greatest interest, collaboration opportunities, and the potential for cross-sector partnerships. Moreover, the sequence in which our tracks will be unveiled is directly influenced by you, our future members.

Stay tuned by signing up below, as we shape a community that not only addresses the most pressing global challenges but does so through the lens of collective insight and shared ambition.

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